Shred (traditionally known as Upper Slaithwaite Church) is part of the Parish of St James in Slaithwaite and has a thriving Sunday School every week. I’m told the name Shred comes from the ‘shred of land’ that was made available for the building and the founding of a Sunday School in Upper Slaithwaite. The building is gorgeous – a beautiful little chapel with stunning views of the valley to the South… yes, a South facing garden.
In addition to Sunday School, Shred has a family service once a month: time and date will be updated on this website’s front page: here

Upper Slaithwaite National School, licensed for Divine Service by the Bishop of Ripon in 1846. In consequence of the distance from the Parochial Chapel (about two miles) and the advantage to the Sunday School Children of partaking of Divine Service. The School was erected out of the materials of an old Wesleyan Meeting House. Erected: The Right Honorable William Earl of Dartmouth, and by the Rev Charles Augustus Hulbert, MA, Incumbent of Slaithwaite, aided by the Committee of Council on Education, the National Society and the Inhabitants. Cost: By Parliamentary Grant £190, Private Benefaction etc, £50 Total £750.
Yorkshire Returns of the 1851 Census of Religious Worship: Volume 3, West Riding (South) (2000) edited by John Wolffe, with thank to the Huddersfield Exposed Wiki