Pam and Ray have been physically isolating since March and we are currently approaching December. That’s eight months of not going to church, not living a normal life and of carrying anxiety. Every week I take them a copy of the sermon and have a conversation on the doorstep, and every week they talk about how their faith is helping them. I asked Pam to write another poem describing how they are coping. I was struck by the way Pam describes the combined impact of fears about health in association with the obedient response to government guidance…
…Pam writes
Me and the Virus
Most of my poems I find easy to write.
Most of them inspiring and helpful, that’s right.
Some of them are funny, but others can be serious.
Depending what the situation they referred to.
Some of them really put me to the test,
But I usually find a way around them.
Most of them are situations I have been through.
But this one where do I start,
And what do I say?
Talking about the Corona Virus is knowing what to say
How it has affected me and others from day to day.
I have got to the stage where life is not my own.
Not wanting to go out for a walk or a ride in the car,
Not even just down the road but not too far.
I really admire those people who have put themselves out,
To help and raise money in any way they can,
I’m thinking of the hundred year old gentleman,
Who raised over million pounds for charity,
Just by walking around the care home where he lived,
Showing character and strength of mind.
What is everything coming to may I ask,
This virus is possibly going on till March or maybe longer
So many things we have to do and not do,
Don’t stand too close, two metres apart,
Do wear face masks, wash hands, make space.
This virus is driving everything and everyone apart.
Jobs, livelihoods disappearing, it makes you think,
Families with children what do they do?
So long in isolation, mental intervention
Starts to play on your mind and thoughts.
Not able to cope with everyday life.
Who is next? What is round the corner?
Some more regulations that one has to do,
From children to adults we are in the same boat,
So trying to help each other, no matter what it is or who it is.
I have my husband who is stronger than me,
He tries to explain what the virus is doing,
He gives me strength and care it is what we all need
In these times of uncertainty we can look to God,
Who will provide us with all our needs if we ask Him.
Pamela J Denton
West Yorkshire
November 2020

Many thanks Pam for another well written and very relevant poem.
Stay safe and well. I thank God you both are managing to cope OK.