The Shred Whit Walk

The families who go to Sunday school at Shred have a traditional ‘Whit Walk’ each year, usually as a large group who walk around our beautiful and hilly countryside. It has been very sad that the Sunday school had to stop, but we all know how important it has been to slow the spread of this virus and not overwhelm the NHS. We are all looking forward to meeting again.

I love that the Church has lots of names for the same thing… Baptism and Christening for example: the same thing. Pentecost and Whit Sunday: the same day. “Whit” is just an abbreviation of white – which is the colour of the clothes newly baptised people wear.

On Pentecost we remember that God baptised Jesus’ followers with the Holy Spirit. The church was born of the fire of God’s Spirit: born as Christians and born as a Church. ‘Church’ itself is another word with more than one meaning, and the most important is ‘people’.

We, the people, are the church. This Whit Sunday, the Church had a virtual Whit Walk by going on family outings and sending these photographs to share and encourage each other.

Lovely views of our walk from Marsden over Cupwith.

Heather Fell

Usually we would have enjoyed the annual Shred whit walk, however Ivy is still shielding so our back garden is her world at the moment. This photo is her entry to be on the front cover of the AT Society’s summer news letter. The AT Society is a small charity who help us with Ivy’s condition.

Dayle Clayton

We did the usual route that we take from Shred up to Cupwith reservoir and across the moorlands to Colgate and up the road to Shred

Anna Bartys

Missing everyone from Shred and hoping we can meet together again soon.

Annis Mansaf

Many thanks for the contributions from:
Feyler-Metcalf family
Tim and Barbara
Oliver and Ana
Iredale family
Annis and Amsal
Linda Hinchcliffe
Dotty and family
Jamie and Louisa
Freddie, Sharon and Oona
Sam Wood
Lucas and Holly
Georgia and Rosie
Anna Bartys


  1. Fab photos and lovely to see some familiar faces!
    Pentecost Sunday did feel strange due to being unable to meet together as a family of Christians in our church buildings.
    Going to miss the Saddleworth Band Contest too this year.

  2. Lovely pictures, thank you all for sharing, looking forward to the next time we from St. Bartholomew’s can come and join you for a service at Shred.

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