Over the years Carol and I have bought and been gifted a lot of Christian books. Some we’ve kept with the idea of reading again, some we thought might be good to lend or pass on to others, and some we never got around to reading! We’ve decided it’s time to be more deliberate about sharing this wealth and so we’re giving away the books shown in the photos on a first come first served basis.
Some are devotionals, some are prayer books, there are books on discipleship, Bible study, spirituality and introductions to Christianity. We are happy to answer questions about them and to arrange collection or delivery. So have a browse, and see if anything grabs your fancy. Happy reading! Carol and Graeme.
Update… see the comments at the bottom of the page for books that have already been snaffled!
Carol says, “I’m going to highlight two of the books that have been significant for me. The first is Philip Yancy’s ‘The Jesus I Never Knew’. This was a book I found really interesting as a new Christian when I was learning about who Jesus was as a historical figure and it’s one I’ve used again in small study groups with others. Yancy is an American Christian writer whose writing is ready to access but thorough.”
“The second is a classic spiritual guidance book called ‘God of Surprises’ by UK author Gerard W. Hughes which is inspired by the Ignatian tradition and contains suggested exercises at the end of each chapter to aid personal reflection and growth in faith.”
If you’d like to delve into either of these or any of the others you can see in the photos, reply through the website.
How generous of you ! I would love the Max Lucado one please if it’s still available . I will be at St. James on Sunday so could collect . Many thanks
Sue Langton
Bless you Sue, it’s yours… set to one side for you.
How wonderfully generous – I have to admit I find it really difficult to part with my books.
However, I do think it would be a good idea to keep them in church and have a ‘Library’ of Christian books in church so that people can borrow, read, and return them for others to enjoy.
Also some may be useful by different people in the work of the church.
If not keeping them for church use – I started jotting down books I would like to ask for (or choose from) and gave up before I got to the end – there are so many its difficult to choose! But I am sure there will be lots of requests.
This is my list:
All Shall be Well….
Any books for children or for use with small children (we have a 4 year old and 14 month old (girls)
Holiday club book (unless Annis wants it for Shred) (I did help run a holiday club at New North Road Baptist Church when I worked there, and perhaps we could run one here?. My problem is I have hearing difficulties and struggle to hear what little voices are saying – but I could help.
The Shack (The Methodist church run a film club monthly – ex-Covid – may be useful for them)
The Healing within you
The Henry Newoen
Celtic Daily Life (although Glennis may want this one for her work in the church)
Stormie Omartian – The power of praying
Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality
Thank you
I’m setting these aside for you. I have found that church libraries tend to be ignored – whereas if I give away books they get chosen by people who are interested and they get read… and passed on eventually.
All Shall Be Well
The Shack
The Healing Within You
Celtic Daily Life (feel free to pass to Glennis if you want)
The Power of Praying
Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality
There are several books by Nouwen, which were you interested in?
There are loads of children’s books – any in particular, or all of them?
Every blessing,
This is so kind of you both, thank you so much, and if still available I’d love to read these:
The Four Loves
God of Surprises
Cry of Wonder
Thanks again, and if no one else has asked for them please could I arrange to collect from St Bart’s somehow?
Hi Shelley,
Glad you like the sound of them! I’ll leave them at St Bartholomew’s for you on a table at the back – just let Val know when you’d like to collect them.
Every blessing,
Will do, and many thanks!
Hi Graeme
This is my list in order of preference, if I have asked for too many please give me some based on my preferred books at the top of the list.
New ideas for creative prayer
Intercessions Handbook
A life in letters – Thomas Merton
Taize – A community called
Into the silent land
What’s so amazing about grace
From Ash to Fire
Adrian Plass
Many thanks
You’ve got them Ali – “Into the silent land” was one of those that I found transformative… but I know we all connect in different ways. I’m glad you like the look of these.
Every blessing,
Many thanks Graeme and Carol.
P,s, I will collect from Carol when I next see her.
Hi Graeme & Carol,
I hope your holiday was fabulous?
As I am a “newby” please could I borrow “The Jesus I never knew”, it sounds like a really good suggestion by Carol
Thank you ever so much
“The Jesus I Never Knew” is yours Pippa… a great book for undermining the ‘white skinned, blue eyed, blond haired’ depiction of Jesus and helps us remember that Jesus is Jewish, and a Syrian refugee!
God bless you, it is set aside for you.
Another update on the giveaway… Marion wrote:
Hi Graeme and Carol, thankyou for sharing with us I would like.
Making peace in practice and poetry, by Joy Mead.
The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel.
Love and blessing , Marian Bray
Marion has also requested… “We Make the Road by Walking” by Brian D McLaren… a wonderful book on discipleship.
And… another update: Marion has “The Culture of God” by Nadim Nassar… I went to listen to him talk at the Festival of Preaching in 2019 – he is the first Syrian Vicar in the Church of England, but of course, Syria is the birthplace of Christianity which means he has some rich insights into the culture into which Jesus was born. A great book.
Another update on the giveaway… Helen Haigh has:
Cold Tangerines
Jesus Chirst: Study and Devotion
Hi Graeme and Carol, thank you for your generous gesture of giving your Christian books away. It is a real sacrifice. I cling on to my books, I’m afraid! If they are still available could I please have “Your Healing is Within You” and “The Dawkins Delusion”. With thanks Melanie
Hi Melanie,
Dawkin’s Delusion is yours… but Linn already claimed “Your Healing is Within You”… may I recommend Henry Nouwen, “The Wounded Healer”?
Every blessing,
Hi Graeme,
Thank you for recommending “The Wounded Healer” which I would like please, as well as saving me “Dawkin’s Delusion”.
Elizabeth has requested… Bored Again Teenagers and Christmas Poems
Every blessing,
Hi Graeme,
Could I request any books for children and any prayer books for children , we are always on the look out.
Anything to help the school would be great
Many thanks
What a great idea Elaine – I’ll bring them with me the next time I come to School.
“A Wayne in a Manger”
“The Illustrated Bible” and
“The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of the Bible”
are yours…
Every blessing,
Very generous of you both to offer your books to the people of St James.
I have still books to read but would love to add to my collection.
The use and abuse of the Bible,
Surching issues Nicky Gumble and puzzling Questions thanking you Glennis
Hi Glennis,
Searching Issues and Puzzling Questions are yours! Hope you find them helpful. We also have a few course booklets like Pilgrim and others if you’re interested.
Every blessing,
Thank you so much for your generosity and would be pleased to look through the other course books ?