Prayer makes change

Glennis Thombs is a trained Reader in the Church of England. Here she reflects on prayer and the change it has brought to her life.

Glennis writes…

Inventor C F Kettering said:

The greatest thing a generation can do is lay a few stepping stones for the next generation.
Looking back on my life I can see the stepping stones God layde for me .
To talk about each one would mean writing a book.

Prayer to me was always the largest stepping stone. Why because when I first started to think about God, I didn’t have a Church background or any knowledge of the Christian faith only what was taught at School. It was thirty some years ago I felt to be in a desperate position when I said my first prayer.

It went something like this, ‘God if you are real and really exists show me and help me.’

At that time my husband was renovating our home. I had just gone through the process of adopting his two boys under six and two children of my own under seven the youngest was three. My parent’s lived round the corner from me and very much needed my help. My brother who lived with them at the time had a drink problem. Boy was I in troubled.

The prayer was the beginnings of my journey to faith.

The experience from that prayer was a warm peaceful feeling a peace I had never felt before. It was clearly a peace that passed all understanding and I knew it was a God moment and wanted to know more of this God. So I am so thankful to all those who took time to answer very profound questions and encouraged me in prayer groups, home groups Counselling Ministry.

I became a reader and learned all about the History which is very important when understanding the Scriptures. The stepping stones have been there and in timers of need giving me inner strength to get through rough patches and it’s the rough patches that give the inner strength when you have learned from them.

So I can say on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

It is my hope to help others onto those same stepping stones bringing others the knowledge, to build up their faith of the love of God. I’m not the spring chicken I used to be but it would be a privilege to be part of our Church growth.

Glennis Thombs

Glennis Thombs – Reader in the Church of England


  1. Throughout your years of ministry, Glennis, you have laid stepping stones for so many people and brought many to a living relationship with Christ through your testimony. You are a real blessing to us all.

  2. So glad to have you fully back with us at last. Lovely analogy.
    I look forward to hearing much more of your deeply profound yet down to earth scriptural wisdom.
    Go to it gal!

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