It is an honour and a delight to be the Vicar of three church communities… and this Platinum Jubilee weekend has been wonderful. Shred – the Church in Upper Slaithwaite held a Whit Walk and Jubilee Celebration meal. St James in Slaithwaite held a Platinum Jubilee Coffee Morning on Saturday and a Platinum Jubilee Meal after church on Sunday. St Bartholomew’s hosted a sold out Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea and sing-a-long. Here we share some photographs from the day…
Shred Whit Walk and Jubilee Celebration

St James Coffee and Cake

We were all so busy eating a fabulous feast at St James on the Sunday after our Pentecost Service we forgot to take photographs!

St Bartholomew’s Jubilee Afternoon Tea

St Bartholomew’s Church offered a Platinum Jubilee Tea for people from Marsden who don’t normally go to church… one of the gifts of the church is to serve others… and this event was very well attended. Over 70 people came along to enjoy the hospitality we offered.

Everyone had a wonderful time, whether on the Shred “Whit Walk”, St James cake-fest and meal, or St Bartholomew’s Afternoon Tea. God bless the people of the churches of Marsden and Slaithwaite for their generosity and joy.