Last week Iain talked about an incredible relationship, this week Linn talks about an unimaginably glorious paradise. Every person’s faith story is different, I hope as a reader you are beginning to see this from all these stories. Linn’s story involves shouting at God, and I love that. Jesus has opened for us a direct channel of communication with our Father in Heaven. I hope Linn’s story inspires you with the confidence to seek God too.
…Linn Clegg writes

Although I went to Sunday School as a child and sang in the choir, we lost touch with church when we moved house to a new area. My Mum was a Catholic, and my Dad went to an Anglican Church and their churches had disapproved of their marriage, so they had stopped going to church, apart from Christenings, Weddings and Funerals.
By my mid-40’s I had worked with people of other faiths, been to 2 Sikh weddings and a Muslim wedding celebration. My son is Anthony, his Dad and I once ‘rescued’ some Mormons from a snowdrift and they left us some home made cookies and a Mormon bible. Then of course there’s the Jehovah’s Witnesses who still come round knocking on the door to this day. They were ALL such lovely people.
But this multi-faith religion thing had started to bug me. What was “It” all about? The problems in the world, the meaning of life, and all that: and what about my child’s future?
I used to walk Anthony to Wilberlee School with the dog and on the way home found a resting spot up Merrydale on the hillside where I used to sit and ponder, and throw my angst at the opposite hillside.
But the thing is: the hillside responded! It used to sort of throb and sparkle back at me, and I half thought I was going mad, but half knew it was God. After some years of this I couldn’t stand the uncertainty any longer and earnestly sought the TRUTH! Eventually I SHOUTED at the opposite hillside, and yelled, “IF YOU’RE THERE GOD, PROVE IT!”
…….Well…. now. Now that I know the reality and power of God, I quake when I think of that challenge. But God loves an earnest seeker, and over time things happened, signs, dreams, things proving beyond a shadow of doubt to me that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light. And there, out on that hillside, I eventually surrendered my life to God with the words:
“Take me, Use me, Do with me what you will, for I know you, I love you, I trust you.”
And in that moment I was richly blessed in an amazing and wonderful way and entered the unimaginably glorious paradise of God’s holy presence.
That was 26 years ago, and I’ve found that being a committed Christian doesn’t necessarily make for an easy life. Far from it. Even if not doing great works in some deprived area of the globe, following Jesus means trying your utmost to do what is right in your own small corner : as stewards of His creation, or standing up against oppression and injustice, or whatever He may ask of you. That can make you enemies as well as friends, and it can be tough.
But knowing the True God, three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit has given me strength to face the challenges which life has thrown at me, and I would rather face challenges with God, than live without him any other way.
[Linn’s] question for you: “Is God knocking at the door of your heart? Will you, dare you, open the door to the greatest adventure of your life?”
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-14)
Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version NIV® Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Wow! Love this story, I also find that can God speak to me in and through wild places. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing Linn wonderfully…..and your picture is beautiful xx
Thank you Linn for sharing your story. Merry Christmas. God bless.
Lots of love JulieXX
Thank you Linn for such an inspirational story. I see God in the beauty of his creation and the faces and words of the people around me.
Thank you