The Church of England in Marsden and Slaithwaite
Carol on beach

Jesus and me

People from Slaithwaite and Marsden continue to share their faith with readers of this website, and today Carol Holdsworth answers the questions from last Sunday’s Sermon: Who are you, and who is Jesus? During the sermon we were invited to think about these questions and write, list, draw, paint or doodle the answers – to basically do what we find[…]

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Two Gates Logo

Faith and inner peace

It is wonderful when people share their stories of faith, because it often helps us gain confidence in our own experience of God, and faith, and such like. This week we have a reflection on faith and school life from Elaine Bradley, whom many of those living in Slaithwaite will know… …from Elaine Bradley To introduce myself for those who[…]

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Beer barrels

God at work

There are so many businesses based in Marsden, Slaithwaite and the surrounding countryside, all trying to work out how to operate while this pandemic sweeps through our lives. I spoke to a business owner who is torn apart by the conflicting desire to help their employees financially by working and staying open, while equally wanting to stay at home /[…]

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Candles and stones

Northumbria Retreat

It is lovely for our church website to have many voices, representing the many people who worship together from Marsden and Slaithwaite with East Scammonden. Today we have some art and a reflection from Ali Baxter. This was written during Lent on a retreat at Nether Springs, the home of the Northumbria Community. Ali has offered her own artwork, and[…]

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A letter to our community

To the people of Marsden, Slaithwaite and the surrounding communities: Peace be with you. I’m the new Vicar of St Bartholomew’s, St James and Shred and I pray for everyone in our towns and villages every single day. I try to picture in my mind, aspects of our community; our schools and homes, our businesses and the places we play,[…]

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